Episode 9: Dale Cooper and The Great Lake Dark Avengers

Episode 9: Dale Cooper and The Great Lake Dark Avengers


Welcome to the Small Screen Spoiler Show episode 9! I’m CJ “Some rocks you don’t turn over”  Boat, he’s Jarred “What’s your thing? I was hoping it was going to be wings” Azevedo, and we’re here to spoil you on the shows you are invested in!  Just as a reminder, we are going to spoil the listed shows and anything prior to the show! For example, if we talk about season 2 episode 21 of a show, anything 20 and before are up for debate. We will try to not spoil the “Next time on” that most shows do.  If you haven’t watched, or don’t want to be spoiled, on the following shows, please come back later.


Today’s shows are:

  • Better Call Saul

    • Season 1 episode 7 “Bingo”

  • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

    • Season 2 episode 13 “One of Us”


The second part of the show, going forward, are our “Challenge Shows” Jarred and I will challenge each other to watch what is immediately available (at least) to watch and catch up, and do a spoiler discussion of the shows we watched.


  • CJ’s Challenge to Jaz: Arrow (Dark Archer Shows Up)

  • Jaz’s Challenge to CJ: Sherlock




  • Bango Django

  • When do we see Gus?

  • Faux Humans

  • Dale Cooper and The Great Lake Dark Avengers // CJB // JAZ

  • The Real Deal SHIELD

Episode 9: Dale Cooper and The Great Lake Dark Avengers
CJ Boat & Jarred Azevedo