Geek IO Show 2015 Dragon Con special

The week on The Geek I/O Show, we are joined by the one and only Kevin Bachelder who helps us to prepare us for Dragon Con 2015!

We also discussed: Have a real shower, $200 shoes, Quaffle the hole, CJ’s secret planning, Inside Out Bubbles, Spider Man is renewing his Vows, Fantastic Four, Rising Thunder and Dale mounting pink broomsticks

Join us on The Geek I/O Show, won’t you? We’re doing it hot style!

The Geek I/O Show: Episode 117: "Deathmatch Quidditch"

The Geek I/O Show


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The Geek I/O Show: Episode 117 Show Notes

The Geek I/O Show: Episode 117 Audio Archive

Pre-Con coverage: The Geek I/O Show: Episode 75 - The fat Rocket Raccoon hanging with a Harley Quinn

For further information, please see the original post.

This week on The Geek I/O Show, we round out our Dragon*Con survival series with Santa Claus ... err... George R.R. Martin ... err .. Chuck Corum, the most excellent fellow heading up the Dragon*Con Facebook group.  He taught us to wear comfy shoes and that the best rum comes in buckets.

We discussed outgrowing shoving the people in, BYOB (bring your own bucket), rubber masks in high humidity is a bad idea, people watching and people sketching, cos-play repair kits, enjoying all the parades, Budlong is all bushy and busty, Tommy does Skinemax, rum and webinars, Apple TV poops on Netflix, Emo Angel is bad Angel, corporate-buzzword-upward-momentum-blah, IP security cameras, a blue jay and a lobster that codes, Raul plays the creepiest game ever, the final Twin Peaks report is upon us, how to pronounce wkhtmltopdf, and a freshly shorn scrote.  Plus!  Hobonet!

Join us on The Geek I/O Show, won’t you?  The frame rate f-ups really hertz.

The Geek IO show episode 75

Pre-Con Coverage: The Geek I/O Show: Episode 74 - Kinky boss kisses

For further information, please view the original post)

This week on The Geek I/O Show, we were joined by Kevin Bachelder, leader of the Dragon*Con Newbie website andFacebook group!  He has years of Dragon*con experience under his belt, and he has tons of helpful Dragon*Con survival tips.

We discussed pacing yourself, murder for sour s’ghetti, a pocket full of cake, duct tape and a large tube (and yes this cosplay does start with mistress), single-origin coffee and tiny crumpets, getting your con-walk workout, the 6-2-1 rule, CJ is tired of Darla, but he might have accidentally gotten a promotion, Rio 2 brings the cute, a Twin Peaks transvestite quiz, Chore Monster, a massive monitor set up, the damn dollar store, how big is Rachel’s bag, what is a hammer stem, and the results of the Summer Movie Smackdown!  Plus!  What is a breasturaunt?

Join us on The Geek I/O Show, won’t you?  We’ll give you some Santa Fe Corn Stix.

The Geek IO Show: Episode 74

Pre-Con Coverage: The Geek I/O Show: Episode 73 - Happiness and internet hugs

(For further information, please see the original post)

This week on The Geek I/O show, we were joined by Kim McGibony, who’s been going to DragonCon longer than Dale has been alive!  Seriously.  We normally joke about these things, but this is actually fact.  She kicked off our mini-series of “Surviving DragonCon”, and gave us the debriefing.

We discussed Need Coffee Fun Fest, newbie meet and greet, Atlanta is hawte and hot, the importance of showers, keeping your head cool, Slave Leia cos-play isn't about originality, Guardians of the Galaxy makes CJ squee, Angel is distracted by Arrow’s abs, classic monster fest, Atelier Rorona, Rachel’s purty phone case, Nexus 5, Cars with snails, 70's Disney movies are wrought with bad quality and child endangerment, there’s a fish in the percolator for Jaz’s Twin Peaks report, one mile is equal to two blocks, and CJ hates SAM so much!  Plus!  How not to die at DragonCon!

Join us on The Geek I/O Show, won’t you?  We’ll throw some ladybugs your way.

The Geek IO Show episode 73

Dragon*Con 2014 Retrospective: Raul Garza

by Raul Garza      

  I was in Atlanta, Georgia this year for Dragon Con 2014 my first time attending.  I meet-up with my friends from the Geek I/O Network: CJ, his wife Rachel, Jared his wife Elisha and Jarred Azevedo appeared to hang out.  I had a amazing time at Dragon Con with taking in all the tracks that I was able to attend to all the cosplay and other activities going on around me.

Day 1

        First day was a bit rough just trying to get myself situated to being a new city.  First thing I can tell you about my first experience at Dragon Con is there is a lot of walking in high humidly and standing in line for tracks.  

    I could not turn my head anywhere at con and not see some in in some sort of cosplay it was amazing.  There was a great mix of cosplay from all different types of media like comics, movies, video games, tv shows, cartoons and much more.  Walking around the I noticed that everyone was very friendly.  I felt that we all shared a common interest that we all love our own bit of the whole nerd/geek culture to be able to talk about it openly with the over 60,000 attendees at Dragon Con.

    This being my first Dragon Con I mostly stay with my friends who knew the layout a bit better than myself.  I was able to meet a lot of host of the podcast I listen to at home like Tom Merritt, Justin Robert Young, Brain Brushwood, and Veronica Belmont.  Most of my time was spent in the Hilton where there were podcasting tracks on building, making money from podcast and coming to terms with low numbers or that no one is listening to your podcast.  Which what I got from that was if you enjoy doing your podcast and your are having fun it doesn't matter what your numbers are just keep on doing it.  Next we all went our separate ways for a few hours.  Next up it the FSL Tonight Championship track with Tom Merritt and Justin Robert Young.  This was my first time listen to FSL and I really enjoyed it.  It was sports talk radio with real fantasy teams like the San Francisco Federation and the Gallifrey Time Lords.  The rest of the night I spent down stairs in the table top gaming room.  I was able to join a game Zombie Dice with some people I meet there and watch a game of Lords of Waterdeep.

Day 2

  On Saturday it was spent mostly just roamed around the Hyatt, Marriott and the Hilton.  We were able to take in both Dragon Con and the city of Atlanta. Spent some time at the mall eating and just watch all the great cosplayers that walked by.  We moved away from the con for dinner a nice steak house.  The highlight of the night came at the Night Attack Live Show.  Had a blast with Justin and Brian Brushwood.  There was Turquoise Jeep,  a rap session with MC Allergy, Don’t Get Brodied and the Cosplay Contest.  This show could of easily gone late into to night, but at last it had to come to an end and then came the after party.  The after party was a concert put on my Power Hour Ali Spagnola and Professor Shyguy.  And we rocked to Shyguy’s chiptunes and then Ali’s 60 second covers.  There was much fun had on that night.


Day 3

          Sunday we went to vendor’s hall which there was much selling and buying going on.  There was a bit from everything replica swords, cosplay outfits,  shirts, toys, anime, comics, cards, posters.  It was like you could name anything nerdy/geeky and there was someone selling it.  Sunday was also the day we had planned to spend together away from the con and enjoy the city and catch a movie with our friend Jarred Azevedo.  Found a theater in this very hipster outdoor mall which only had two hour max parking.  Had dinner filled the parking meter and went to the movies to watch Guardians of the Galaxy.  The movie theater kinda caught us all off guard.  The box office on ground floor ok normal, but then you had to behind it to a single glass door to an escalator to what you say a second escalator which took us to the front of the snake bar and screen rooms.

      That was my last night there because of an early flight the next morning.  I had a great time just not at Dragon Con, but with meeting and hang out with my friends for the first time since being asked to be a guest on their podcast back in 2011