Please note: This is part 1 of 2 of the reviews for this game, the other half, my coverage of the Android version, will be on the AWPA site at
I have never made the attempt to hide I am a huge Magic geek. I have been playing since 1998, and for about the last decade or so, I have really died off in playing in real life, mainly due to becoming an adult, and hardly ever living close to a gaming place.
Wizards had issued a answer to my prayers a few years ago with Magic Online, but that was pretty crap, and they thought so too, so t hey made the Duels of the Planeswalkers series!
I have bought 2011, 2012, 2013, and now 2014 of this series, and they have got better for the most part every iteration.
How has this game improved over the 2013 version? The decks have got slightly better, and certainly more spread out in their desires. Some of the broken cards (both good and bad) have been ripped out of M14, and sometimes replaced with something that is ... not great... but not bad. There is more involved in this game all together. The main thing? SEALED DECK MODE! In this mode, you can finally CREATE YOUR OWN DECK! You simulate opening up a bunch of packs and make your own deck out of it, and play through the campaign that they supply for it. It's a great addition to the game, while not taking away anything at all. I do wish they would simulate a booster draft using this.
Now, this is far from a perfect game. The AI does not seem to have increased at all, and sometimes it even seems lessened than M13. This creates a very bad situation especially against the Sliver deck. You have heard me complain about this on the podcast; when you have a creature that gives ALL of your other creatures haste, you should PLAY IT AND THE OTHER 2 CREATURES BEFORE YOU ATTACK!
Other than that, some of the card choices are ... not great ... the Jace blue control deck seems to be COMPLETELY neutered. Now, this deck was SO BROKEN in M13, but it feels like it completely got shredded and put together by someone new to MBC decks. The sliver deck feels like it is on a leash, which is a shame, considering slivers are my favorite creatures ever.
Those few things apart, this game is GREAT, it is hands down better than M13, just with a couple of quips. Even if you don't know how to play, the game does a GREAT tutorial.
Keep Calm & Geek Out