- U.S. Release Date - November 4, 2014
- Summary - A character profile and history of Wilhuf Tarkin
- Wookiepedia
- Amazon
- Only approved officials are allowed to read between the lines
- Shiv is a most insidious of names
- No wonder Vader kept in finding the Millennium Falcon
- The Rule of 2.5
- Reel Score - 100%
- Positive(s)
- Tarkin's backstory
- Palpatine's first name revelation
- Relationship between Palpatine and Tarkin
- How Tarkin became Grand Moff
Bonus 1 - The Life and Legend of Obi-Wan Kenobi
- Summary - This is the legendary story of Obi-Wan Kenobi, from his first meeting with Anakin Skywalker to his final meeting with Darth Vaderand beyond.
- Wookiepdia
- Amazon
- Owen Lars' anger with Obi-Wan over raising Luke
- How Luke learned to build his own lightsaber
- How Anakin became one with the force and a force ghost
- Why Ben was unable to continue helping Luke through the force
Bonus 2 - Star Wars The Force Awakens Teaser Trailer
- Scared stormtrooper on Tatooine
- Soccer ball droid in junkyard
- Stormtroopers in dropship
- Lady on speederbike heading to junkyard
- X-Wings over lake
- Dark side user with sword-style red lightsaber
- Millenium Falcon squaring off against Tie Fighters
- YouTube Link
- Official Website
- Wookiepedia
- HeadphonesNeil The Blog walkthrough
- Screenshots
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