- U.S. Release Date - November 7, 2014
- Tagline(s)
- Mankind was born on Earth. It was never meant to die here
- The end of Earth will not be the end of us
- Go further
- Mankind's next step will be our greatest
- Summary - A team of explorers travel through a wormhole in an attempt to find a potentially habitable planet that will sustain humanity.
- IMDb Profile
- Wikipedia
- Rotten Tomatoes - 74%
- Do not go gentle into that good night - Dylan Thomas
- Let's use these big rockets for our secret space program.
- Data didnt need an emotion chip. He needed a humor chip.
- Custom parameters because Hal 9000 had a security clearance conflict of interest.
- Elysium was actually prison time for Dr. Mann
- Because Incept Station doesn't quite roll off the tongue.
- Gravity is the key to ESP
- Reel Score - 100%
- Positive(s)
- Reasonable space terminology/jargon
- Combines Gravity and 2001 A Space Odyssey
- Cinematic explanation of Do not go gentle into that good night by Dylan Thomas
- Negative(s)
- Little explanation for the robot droids
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