Coming up on Curtain Call!, Looking into the past, the present and the future of broadway, The Top 10 Reasons why Patrick Stewart is Totally Awesome, The U.K Critics Circle to turn 25, New Dark Spider Man not a flop after all,The Week in Review and we explain ourselves on this episode of Curtain Call!
Show notes
This is Curtain Call!, your look into the events happening in musical theatre, episode #1 for Saturday 4th of January 2013. Im your host Dale Campbell, thank you for joining me!
Spotlight Story - (Discussion Point): Memorable Performances of 2013
- Top Ten Reasons Why Patrick Stewart Is "Totally Awesome"
-U.K.'s Critics' Circle Theatre Awards to Celebrate 25th Anniversary in January 2014
-Spider-Man Not a Flop, Broadway Restaurateur Declares
Special Segment - BROADWAY SPRING 2014 PREVIEW
Bump out - (week in review)
Broadway Grosses: Dec. 23-29
Thank you for joining me!
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