Exploding Dice: Athalor s3e1: Dragon Spaniel

HELLO AND WELCOME to the Season premiere of Expldoign Dice! This time around, we go back to CJ's world of Athalor, and we pick up a little bit of time after the last season, with a brand new cast, and a whole new set of puns!

Join CJ, Rachel, Kyra, Delbert, and Scott as they tackle mining, minors, minders, pastries, and the politics of breakfast!

Remember you can chat with us and discuss this episode at https://geek-io.net/discord or email the show at show@Geek-io.net

Also if you want an ad free show, head over to patreon.com/geekio

Exploding Dice Athalor s3e1 Dragon Spaniel
CJ Boat & the Exploding Dice Crew

Exploding Dice: Ravnica season 3 PREMIERE! Episode 0: Return of the Pretty Kitty Problems

We are BACK! We go over the world of Athalor, since it has been a while since we looked into the world we have built. Some things have changed (in pretty major ways) and we are AT THE TABLE NOW!

Our cast:

CJ Boat - your DM

Rachel Boat - Perururun, Tabaxi swordskitty

Kyra Clark - Dwyn, Dragonborn Druid

Delbert Sand - Twang, Kenku Fighter/Ranger

Scott Galloway - Balric, Firbolg Cleric

Join us in January, 2020 for the full season, OR become an NPC over at Patreon.com/geekio to get the recordings AS THEY ARE COMPLETED!

Exploding Dice Ravnica FINALE 23 - Go Toward the Nope

On the campaign finale of the Flames of Ravnica, the gang are surrounded by everything they dislike, and have to turn toward an unlikely ally to help stop the evil from destroying the Multiverse.

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Chat with us any time day or night: geek-io.net/discord

Exploding Dice Ravnica FINALE 23 - Go Toward the Nope

Exploding Dice Ravnica 22 - Already Vated

This week on the penultimate episode of the Flames of Ravnica, the group get some deep information and confusion, all the while working their way through Orzhovia.

Support us and get an ad-free master feed: patreon.com/geekio

Join the conversation: twitter.com/geekioshow facebook.com/geekioshow

Chat with us any time day or night: geek-io.net/discord

Exploding Dice Ravnica 22 - Already Vated
CJ Boat