The Geek I/O Network

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How It Stacks #06: X-men (The Animated Series)

No egg sucking pieces of gutter trash on this one! Just adamantium claws, eye beams, bald guy in a floaty chair, chick who shoots fireworks, and the list goes on. If you haven't guessed yet, bub, we’re stacking X-men (the animated series)! Things get a little crazy as Willis and Bulldog  push JD to his nerd limit in this episode’s VS. JD admits he wouldn't mind giving up his dashing good looks for an epic superpower and gets deep when the themes of X-men come up. Willis lays it all out there and helps in an epic trolling session and blow some minds with his vast/epic knowledge of the show. Bulldog gets goosebumps as he confesses his feeling for the show.


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Episode #06: Xmen (The Animated Series) How It Stacks

Special thanks to Anamanaguchi  for our transition music; and to Geek I/O for hosting our show!