(Gamer Geeks) Microsoft @ E3
Microsoft kicked off their conference with the announcement of Halo Guardians with squad based combat. With one team lead by The Master Chief and the other by Locke. Online multiplayer Warzone Player VS Everything. Along with Halo 5 campaign demo with squad controls and enemies.
A new game by Keiji Inafune name recore for the Xbox One coming Spring 2016.
Some big news on the hardware front from Microsoft was that the Xbox One will now support Backwards Compatibility and the the fully customization Xbox Elite wireless controller. Bethesda show have gameplay of Fallout 4 mech suit and Mods created the PC are free to import to the Xbox One. EA show Madden 2016 and the addition to adding Titanfall and Dragon Age Inquisition to EA Access vault. Membership to EA Access will include early access to game. Also showed a trailer a Plants Vs Zombie Garden Warfare 2.
Trailer showcase Forza 6, Dark souls 3 in 2016, Tom Clancy The Division Xbox One Beta in Decmeber, and Rainbow Six Seige on October 13, 2015. A new Free to Play for Xbox One and Windows 10 Gigantic with a Beta in August 2015.
Microsoft show off some indie titles from the ID@Xbox. With Tacoma from the developer of Gone Home, Ashen, Beyond Eyes, and Cuphead.
Xbox Game Preview is a early access service launching with Long Dark, Elte Dangerous, and Day Z. Each game will have a free trial to give you a change to decide if you would like to pay for a still in development game. From the Develovers of Day Z come Ion.
Rise of the Tomb Raider ice climbing gameplay out November 2015.
Rare announced Rare Replay with 30 games for $30 released on August 4 2015
New game from Rare Sea of Thieves.
Fable Legends free to play on Xbox One and Windows 10. Microsoft announced a partnership with Value VR. Minecraft was showed off with the Hololens. Gears of War Ultimate Edition on August 25 with 60fps and a one week public beta this week. Gears of Wars 4 Holiday 2016.