(The Android Realm) The Android Realm App Review Google Handwriting Input
If you find typing on your smartphone or tablet to be too much of a learning curve or prefer typing with printed or cursive text, then Google's new Handwriting Input app aims to bridge that gap.
After installation, launching the app will take the user through a quick step by step process to enable "handwriting mode" so when it comes time to type, you'll get a nice box to write in. The typing process is pretty seamless and minimal which makes the learning curve pretty small. To enter text, words can be written in letter by letter or words at a time. If the app recognizes the letter, the color of the inputted text will change from blue to black. The app will make a best guess if an exact match cannot be made.
Otherwise, the app does differentiate between regular text and passwords. This is key in that regular text can be submitted to Google to improve the app and word suggestions while the connection to the cloud is disabled for passwords. It can be enabled if desired but obviously not recommended.
The app is currently available for Android 4.0.3 and above and free in the Google Play Store.