(Reel NSight) Reel Nsight Episode 100 Legends s01ep01 Pilot
- U.S. Air Date - August 13, 2014
- Synopsis - Martin Odum has the uncanny ability to transform himself into a completely different person for each job. But he begins to question his own identity when a mysterious stranger suggests that Martin isn't the man he believes himself to be.
- Website
- Wikipedia
- If Legends are upgraded Heroes, does that mean Niki Sanders got a promotion
- Either the techie can't spell or he really knows how to build a story.
- One does not simply meet the Founding Father
- Nobody puts Sean Bean's character in a corner.
- Reel Score - A
- Positive(s)
- Sean Bean fights to stay alive
- Negative(s)
- Ali Larter in a similar role as in Heroes
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