(Reel NSight) Reel Nsight Episode 99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- U.S. Release Date - August 8, 2014
- Tagline(s)
- The leader. The brains. The attitude. And Mikey.
- Mysterious. Dangerous. Reptilious. You've never seen heroes like this.
- Meet the new face of justice.
- Brothers become legends.
- Synopsis - A group of mutated warriors face off against an evil kingpin who wants to take over New York.
- IMDb Profile
- Wikipedia
- Rotten Tomatoes - 19%
- Sprite Vapor, refreshing to the core.
- Command line UNIX, for all your evil doing deeds.
- I don't think Shredder tested the structural integrity after Spider-Man defeated The Lizard.
The Amazing Ninja Turtles
- Splinter = Uncle Ben
- Turtles = Spider-Man
- April = Gwen Stacy
- Shredder = The Lizard
- With great mutation comes great knife fights.
- Reel Score - C
- Positive(s)
- This generation's Hercules or Robin Hood
- Negative(s)
- If you're going to copy The Amazing Spider-Man, why not show the laboratory experiments as well?
- If they were creating regenerative sludge, shouldn't Splinter self-heal
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