(Tampa Bay Geeks) Metrocon!
This year is the first time that Rachel and myself were able to have the pleasure of going to the Tampa Bay Metrocon, Floridas biggest anime convention. We want to first of all thank the great press relations group over at Metrocon for getting us in last minute, and treating us like we had been there forever.
Unfortunately, we were only able to treat ourselves to the Saturday of the event, due to it being Rachels birthday. That being said, we were able to attend a few panels while we were there, and got to hang out with a couple of fans (of ours even, thats crazy) as well as seeing a lot of amazing things.
The entire vibe of the con was fantastic, this was obviously a fan convention. While yes, it is a smaller convention, but had enough energy to fill twice the area that it was in (the Tampa Bay Convention Center). The excitement was electric in there, especially when you got around the panels and interview lines.
We got to attend the Yugioh panel, the AMV panel and competition, and the beginning of the Anime Idol, but wanted to do so much more! (The few panels we were able to peek in for we were unable to stay for their entireties)
We also got to hang out around Artists Alley and the Vendor room, in both of those areas we got to see amazing costumes (Check out the pictures on our Media page), people, artists, and shopkeepers. We got to hang out with an AMAZING artist named Jennifer, who we unfortunately could not get any of her art or pictures, but she was a fantastic artist who specialized in super hero teddy bears.
This is an abbreviated review, but we were unable to attend nearly as long as we wanted to, and will definitely be back next year to rock the entire event!
Again, thank you to Shannon and the group over at Metrocon for having us. We would love to be back again next year!
For pictures of the event, check out our media coverage page!
Visit Metrocon's page at: http://www.metroconventions.com/