(Reel NSight) Reel Nsight Episode 106 Star Wars Rebels s01ep01 Spark of Rebellion (Part 1)
- U.S. Air Date - October 3, 2014
- Show Synopsis - A brave and clever ragtag starship crew stands up against the evil Empire as it tightens its grip on the galaxy and hunts down the last of the Jedi Knights.
- Episode Synopsis - Ezra is a normal boy who finds himself caught up in the beginning of the rebellion against the Empire.
- Official Website
- IMDb Profile
- Wikipedia
- Stormtrooper punishment is most severe
- I think Ezra is the long lost son of Obi-Wan and Satine
- Inquisitor: Agents of the Empire
- The Catch 22 special is the Order 66 for the rebels.
- Reel Score - 95%
- Positive(s)
- Relationship with Kanan and crew
- Kanan's secret revelation
- Ezra's personality
- Negative(s)
- Stormtroopers only have power when not being attacked
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