67 Prometheus
- U.S. Release Date - June 8, 2012
- Tagline(s)
- The search for our beginning could lead to our end.
- They went looking for our beginning. What they found could be our end.
- We came from them. They will come for us.
- Synopsis - Millions of years ago, a spacecraft of an advanced humanoid alien race arrives on Earth. One of the aliens consumes a dark liquid...
- IMDb Profile
- Rotten Tomatoes - 74%
- Dr. Manhattan was, in fact, the first human.
- Vodka defies the laws of physics.
- Spandex is safe for flight, especially in space.
- If all else fails, ram your vehicle into the other to see what happens.
- The escape pod is more durable than any other vehicle.
- Transmission Code 10.11.12. This message brought to you courtesy of Weyland Corporation. (10.11.12)
- Reel Score - 90%
- Positive(s)
- Didnt see the end coming
- 2001 A Space Odyssey vibe
- Didnt see the end coming
- Negative(s)
- Stapling ones stomach causes minor dizziness
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