Disney Geek I/O: SpectroMagic officially retired, WDW waits for Festival of Fantaxsy
It's a sad day folks, after being yanked back in 2010, the floats for the fan favorite SpectroMagic nighttime parade through the Magic Kingdom have began to be broken down. There have been many rumors over the last couple of days, but the final announcement came from Disney World PR, stating “Yes SpectroMagic has been retired.". For those looking for a comeback of the 12 year old parade, it is simply not coming.
This is not a huge surprise, given earlier this year Disney announced the brand new parade Festival of Fantasy premiering in Spring 2014. No real details have been released, but it's going to be a long wait between now and Spring, considering how much the Main Street Electrical Parade is really a flat note for people like us here at Disney Geek I/O.
Here's looking forward to the future!
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