(YouTube TEST)The Geek I/O Show - Episode 54
Hearthstone: Official release & Hearthsteed
So, as of today (March, 11, 2014) Hearthstone, which has been in beta phase since August 2013, has officially unleashed to the world! While there is not a big difference between "open beta" and "released" but the patch 1.0 is included in this release.
Here are some highlights of the 1.0 notes, with the official notes below that.
Are you a fan of the golden cards? Win over 500 Ranked Play wins and
your heroes will be golden and animated! Including their power.
Tinkmaster Overspark gets a buff and a nerf at the same time. -
Reconnect! -
If you disconnect from a match, you can reconnect within 60 seconds,
but the turn timer will continue.
Regionless play! -
Have a friend in the UK and you're in the US? You can play together
Win three matches in Ranked Play or Arena and you'll earn the "Mount Up!" quest in Hearthstone, and your Hearthsteed will be waiting in your closest World of Warcraft mailbox!
Hearthstone Patch Notes - - All That Glitters!
Zeriyah http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/search?a=Zeriyah&f=article3/11/2014 113 http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/blog/13154924#comments[image: Hearthstone Patch Notes - - All That Glitters!]http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/blog/13154924#comments
The latest Hearthstone patch is coming! With this patch, we're fixing a ton of bugs, adding some extra awesome Ranked Play rewards, making a couple minor adjustments to card balance and . . . well, there's a lot of stuff here! Let's tackle this big patch together, feature by feature, shall we?
Ranked Play Rewards and Changes
We first announced our plans for Ranked Play rewards at BlizzCon during our Fireside Chat panel, and now they're ready to be unleashed! First off we've got the Golden Heroes. [image: GoldenHerov2HSBlogThumbGL500x250.jpg]
To get a Golden Hero of your very own, all you need to do is win 500 Ranked Play games with any given Hero. After you hit 500 wins, your experienced Hero will gain a gold border, animate, and gain a golden animated Hero Power. Your opponent will be able to see your Golden Hero as well! Impress your friends and opponents alike. Check out the awesome animations on Jaina, Garrosh, and Thrall in this video!
The next Ranked Play reward is the extra fancy alternate card back! Participating in each official Ranked Play season will offer a new card back that you'll get at the end of each season. Card backs replace the default artwork on the reverse side of your decks. The game interface will allow you to easily swap between any card back you've added to your collection. More information about the first official Ranked Play season and its card back rewards will be announced at a later time. [image: cardBackHSBlogThumbGL_500x250.jpg]
We'll be making an additional change to Ranked Play as well, so we can ensure a more fun experience for everyone as we transition from season to season. Many players have felt like the start of each Ranked Play season was difficult since rankings were reset for all players, regardless of how far they progressed that season.
With this patch, you'll receive bonus stars at the start of each season based on your performance from the previous season. This way, players that have progressed far into any given Ranked Play season will not be challenging those potentially new to the game or stomping all over players who are trying Ranked Play for the first time.
You'll receive one bonus star for each rank you achieved in the previous season. For example, if you attained Legend, Innkeeper (Rank 1), or Black Knight (Rank 2) rank in any given season, at the start of the next season you would start off at Questing Adventurer (Rank 16) rather than Angry Chicken (Rank 25).
Balance Changes
In order to ensure a fun and balanced game for everyone, we'll be making changes to two cards in this patch: Tinkmaster Overspark and Nat Pagle.[image: ReleaseDayHSBlogThumbchangeTinkv2GL_500x250.jpg]
Tinkmaster Overspark is now a 3/3 (up from 2/2) and now reads: Battlecry: Transform another random minion into a 5/5 Devilsaur or a 1/1 Squirrel.
Tinkmaster Overspark is a neutral card that silences and often shrinks big creatures. This reduces the amount of big, fun creatures in the environment. We think this change will increase the amount fun creatures in the environment, and bring him more in-line with his cost and overall power. Tinkmaster should still show up in certain types of decks, but will no longer be appearing in every high level deck.[image: ReleaseDayHSBlogThumbchangeNatv2GL_500x250.jpg]
Nat Pagle now reads: At the start of your turn, you have a 50% chance to draw an extra card.
Nat Pagle will now draw a card at the start of your turn rather than at the end. Nat had too much draw power for a card that is fairly hard to counter so early in the game, making it almost an auto-include for many decks. This change reduces the power of the card and gives players more time to counter the card before it starts.
Any changes made from here on out will be because we deem them absolutely necessary.
Stay Connected!
A reconnect feature has been added to Hearthstone! Whether you're in the middle of a heated match in Ranked or Casual Play or racking up the wins in the Arena, our reconnect feature will allow you to try to seamlessly get back into your game in progress.
If you're disconnected from a game, the reconnect feature will give you 60 seconds to re-log into Hearthstone to keep the action going. In order to maintain the fast pace of the game for both you and your opponent, if one of you happens to disconnect mid-match, the game will continue as if either of you were still playing. Try not to be gone too long, or that turn timer may be sizzling down when you get back!
Speaking of staying connected, you can now play Hearthstone in other regions across the world! Whether you prefer to duel in the Americas, Europe, or Asia, you can swap your region with just a couple of clicks in the Battle.net Desktop App. Keep in mind that your Hearthstone collections, friends, and progress are unique per region and won't transfer over.
Thanks to your feedback and continued efforts in reporting bugs in the Hearthstone beta, we've been able to tackle many of the issues players have been experiencing. We have addressed all known circumstances and issues that result in minions swapping places on the board and cards overlapping in hand. These bugs were a result of many factors, and both were particularly challenging to address. We appreciate your patience as we worked diligently on resolving these issues.
You can see additional bug fixes in the patch notes below!
From all of us on the Hearthstone team, thank you so much for offering feedback, reporting bugs, testing our Play modes, testing balance, and helping us evolve the game into something everyone can enjoy. Your feedback is incredibly valuable to us, and we all hope that Hearthstone is a game that you'll love for years to come.
Hearthstone Patch Notes -
Golden Heroes have been added and now can be unlocked after winning 500 Ranked games with a Hero! Track your progress on the deck selection screen in Ranked Mode. -
New card backs have been added. Collect these by doing awesome things such as participating in each Ranked Season! -
The Hearthsteed mount reward has been added and can now be obtained for your World of Warcraft account! Win 3 games in Play or Arena mode to acquire one of your own! -
You can now connect to other regions (Americas, Europe, Korea, Taiwan) of Hearthstone regardless of the region that is set on your Battle.net account. Account progress and card collections are saved separately per region. This feature will become available once the patch is live in all regions. -
The "Players Near Me" feature is now enabled by default. You can disable this feature in the Options Menu. -
The queue timer now only shows up after you've been waiting a while. -
The total amount of gold that an account can hold at any given time has been set at 20,000 gold; gold cannot be earned on accounts with 20,000 or more gold until some gold has been spent. This cap is intended to combat certain methods of gold acquisition that violate our Terms of Service. The spirit of fair play is extremely important to us, and we will continue to monitor gold acquisition activity closely to ensure a fun and enjoyable game environment for everyone. -
Certain Expert cards have been changed and the amount of dust that you get from disenchanting these cards have been temporarily increased such that it is equal to the amount of dust that it would have originally cost to craft those cards. Affected cards are: -
Nat Pagle
Tinkmaster Overspark
Ranked Play
During each Ranked Season change, players may now start the new season at a rank higher than the default Angry Chicken rank, depending on the rank that was obtained at the end of the previous season. You'll receive one bonus star for every rank you achieved in the previous season. -
The Angry Chicken rank now starts with 0 stars, instead of 1. Bawk!?
Arena rewards at 10, 11, and 12 wins no longer reward common non-golden cards.
Many new card effects have been added. +3 Sparkles/+5 Shinies. -
Minions who have Taunt and Stealth now have an effect that more clearly indicates that Taunt is temporarily disabled during Stealth. -
Mass disenchanting now has new and improved graphics. Now you can mass disenchant in style! -
The UI that pops up when challenging a friend to a duel has been improved. Wow, so challenge. -
Minions that have been blessed by Blessing of Wisdom now show the trigger "lightning bolt". Talk about a bright idea!
If you disconnect from a game, you now have 60 seconds to try and reconnect and pick up from where you left off. -
The Expert AI has been sent to Hearthstone training camp and should now be more challenging. -
If a player's deck contains all Golden cards, a Golden Coin will compliment your deck if you happen to go second. -
Unlocking a hero now plays that Hero's emote. Well met! -
Secrets can now only activate on your opponent's turn. -
Activating your own secrets feels a little strange, but mostly, the
ability to do this was preventing us from creating new and
powerful secrets that trigger off of events you can easily control (like a minion dying). They end up functioning just like spells, instead of trying to bait your opponent into a bad play. This change keeps secrets working like traps you lay for your opponent, instead of spells that you cast and use on your own turn.
Card Changes
Nat Pagle now reads: At the start of your turn, you have a 50% chance to draw an extra card. -
Nat Pagle will now draw a card at the start of your turn rather than
at the end. Nat had too much draw power for a card that is fairly hard to
counter so early in the game, making it almost an auto-include for many
decks. This change reduces the power of the card and gives players more
time to counter the card before it starts.
Tinkmaster Overspark is now a 3/3 (up from 2/2) and now reads: Battlecry: Transform another random minion into a 5/5 Devilsaur or a 1/1 Squirrel. -
Tinkmaster is a neutral card that silences and often shrinks big
creatures. This reduces the amount of big, fun creatures in the
environment. We think this change will increase the amount fun
creatures in the environment, and bring him more in-line with his cost and overall power. Tinkmaster should still show up in certain types of decks, but will no longer be appearing in every high level deck.
Bug Fixes
Water Elemental (Mage) will now properly freeze armored heroes as intended. -
Ancestral Healing (Shaman) will now always attempt to heal a minion for its full Health regardless of its current Health. -
The issue where minions randomly swap battle positions with other minions is a result of many factors and issues. All known circumstances and issues that result in minions dancing randomly around have been resolved. -
Cards now better respect personal space while in a player's hand. Similar to the minion swapping issue, all known circumstances and issues that result in cards overlapping with other cards in a player's hand have been resolved. -
The New Deck button in the Collection Manager no longer stays highlighted if you quickly click the Done and No buttons after selecting a hero. -
The Hearthstone client will no longer remain in the foreground when you click on another program. -
You can now select a friend in the friends list by clicking on their medal in Play mode. -
If you were playing a friendly game when daily quests were granted, you are now correctly notified after the game. -
The Repair Bot's healing ability now generates an entry in the game history. -
Fixed an issue that could cause the buttons to stop working for a short moment when transitioning back to the main hub. -
Fixed an issue that prevented some accounts from properly receiving friendly challenges. -
Fixed an issue that prevented some accounts from joining Play, Practice or Friendly games if they have a custom deck in their collection. -
Fixed an issue where entering a new Arena run while getting a new daily quest can cause the Arena purchase and the back buttons to be unresponsive. -
Fixed an issue where you will receive a toast stating your friend has just come online if you log into Hearthstone and that friend was already online. -
Fixed an issue where attempting to create a new deck would cause the game to time out after about a minute. -
Fixed an issue where backing out of a deck list while its deck tile is animating to the top of the list will cause the deck list buttons to become unresponsive. -
Fixed an issue where cards opened in packs or earned from defeating heroes may not appear in your collection after restarting the client. -
Fixed an issue where clicking on the Last Played player area in friends list opens up the Add a Friend prompt without automatically filling in the player's BattleTag. -
Fixed an issue where the credits can be played while in the Today's Quests screen. -
Fixed an issue where the quest Level Up! is completed upon reaching a total level of 10 instead of level 10 on one Hero. -
Improved many graphical effects and fixed various graphical and game behavior issues. -
Fixed a number of audio and sound issues.
Toggling full screen mode on some resolutions and monitors will no longer cause the window borders to be visible. -
Fixed a graphical issue that could occur when changing resolutions. -
Loading into a game will no longer cause graphical issues while on high graphics settings. -
The system menu bar will no longer display over the client in full screen mode. -
Using Alt + Tab to switch focus while in full screen mode will no longer cause the dock to appear over the client.
Ride Into Action on Your Hearthsteed!
Zeriyah http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/search?a=Zeriyah&f=article3/11/2014 105http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/blog/13154922/ride-into-action-on-your-hearthsteed-3-11-2014#comments[image: Ride Into Action on Your Hearthsteed!]http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/blog/13154922/ride-into-action-on-your-hearthsteed-3-11-2014#comments
Show off your love for Hearthstone's fast-paced card-slinging action by charging across the battlefields of Azeroth on a magnificent Hearthsteed! [image: HearthsteedHSBlogThumb1CK500x250.jpg]
This epic flying mount is awash in a mystical blue glow; its rocky exterior just barely manages to contain the power that lurks within! When you're ready to take to the skies, the Hearthsteed manifests ethereal blue wings, ready to carry you off to your next adventure.
How to get a Hearthsteed of your very own
Interested in adding the Hearthsteed to your World of Warcraft mount collection?
Getting your hands on this unique flying mount is simple . . . and fun! Just win three games of Hearthstone in "Play" or "Arena" mode to get the "Mount Up!" Hearthstone quest reward. The next time you log into World of Warcraft, the Hearthsteed will be waiting for you in the nearest mailbox. [image: HearthsteedHSBlogThumb2CK500x250.jpg]
Earn this special mount and you'll also receive the World of Warcraft "Hearthstoned" achievement for all characters on your Battle.net account.
Download Hearthstone today by visiting playhearthstone.comhttp://www.playhearthstone.com/ .
(TEST) Disney Geek IO Episode 10 (2nd Repost)
Welcome to Disney Geek I/O, episode 10 recorded Sunday, December 8, Im your host CJ Boat, and joining me to help you in your journey this week through the House of Mouse, Rachel Boat (Hi from Rachel), Kirby Bartlett-Sloan (Hi from Kirby), and from Disneylands back yard, Lesley Victorine!
(general talk, Disney watching, etc.)
Disney Parks News
Imagineers Add a Piece of Snow Whites Scary Adventures to Seven Dwarfs Mine Train at Magic Kingdom Park
Holiday stuff at WDW:
(BREAK TIME - Tweaked Audio, Geek I/O sting)
SONG: Let it Go - Frozen OST
Disney News
Walt Disney celebrates 112th birthday
Its A Small World: The Animated Series Debuts On Disney.com
Once Upon a Time casts its Rapunzel
Disney Trivia!
Kirby: TVListings
If you want to contact the show, please send an email to [email protected] with the word Disney in the subject line somewhere.
I want to thank our amazing sponsors Tweaked Audio for their support of the show, as well as our listeners, without you, wed just be floating heads
Rachel: Also want to thank the great and talented Darrell Shayler for his artwork for the site as well as our mascot, Mike T. Geek. If you want more information, or want to get in touch with him, please email us at [email protected], and we can get you more information.
CJ:Finally, we record every OTHER Sunday at 10 PM Eastern, join us over at www.geek-io.com/live, or you can find the archive at disney.geek-io.com.
Anything else from my esteemed co-horts?
Then, we will close the show out with a Keep Calm, Geek Out, and See Yall again REAL Soon!
(TEST) Win a Disney World vacation! One given away between now and January 31, 2014
Were celebrating the New Year early at Disney Parks with an opportunity to win a 5-day/4-night vacation for four to either the Walt Disney World Resort or Disneyland Resort.
2014 is the year to resolve to spend more fun time together as a family and theres no better place than the parks to play together and show your Disney Side the side of you that says yes more often, laughs louder and lives life to the fullest.
Weve just launched disney.com/resolutions where Disney celebrities are sharing how they plan to resolve to spend more time with family in 2014. A new video will be uploaded everyday in January.
On disney.com/resolutions, we are also awarding a vacation-a-day from December 31, 2013 through January 31, 2014! So enter every day for your chance to win because this is the year to spend more quality time with the people you love most. Good luck!
NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Void where prohibited. Open only to individuals, who are, as of Entry, legal residents of, and physically located within, the 50 U.S., D.C., Puerto Rico or Canada (excluding Quebec) and who are not Minors. Sweepstakes starts 12:01 AM (EST) on 12/31/13 and ends 11:59:59 PM (EST) on 1/31/14. Clickhere for Official Rules.
Were Giving Away a Vacation-a-Day Through January 31, 2014 During the Family Time Resolutions Sweepstakes! by Thomas Smith: Originally posted on the Disney Parks Blog
(TEST) Disney Geek IO Episode 10 (Repost)
Welcome to Disney Geek I/O, episode 10 recorded Sunday, December 8, Im your host CJ Boat, and joining me to help you in your journey this week through the House of Mouse, Rachel Boat (Hi from Rachel), Kirby Bartlett-Sloan (Hi from Kirby), and from Disneylands back yard, Lesley Victorine!
(general talk, Disney watching, etc.)
Disney Parks News
Imagineers Add a Piece of Snow Whites Scary Adventures to Seven Dwarfs Mine Train at Magic Kingdom Park
Holiday stuff at WDW:
(BREAK TIME - Tweaked Audio, Geek I/O sting)
SONG: Let it Go - Frozen OST
Disney News
Walt Disney celebrates 112th birthday
Its A Small World: The Animated Series Debuts On Disney.com
Once Upon a Time casts its Rapunzel
Disney Trivia!
Kirby: TVListings
If you want to contact the show, please send an email to [email protected] with the word Disney in the subject line somewhere.
I want to thank our amazing sponsors Tweaked Audio for their support of the show, as well as our listeners, without you, wed just be floating heads
Rachel: Also want to thank the great and talented Darrell Shayler for his artwork for the site as well as our mascot, Mike T. Geek. If you want more information, or want to get in touch with him, please email us at [email protected], and we can get you more information.
CJ:Finally, we record every OTHER Sunday at 10 PM Eastern, join us over at www.geek-io.com/live, or you can find the archive at disney.geek-io.com.
Anything else from my esteemed co-horts?
Then, we will close the show out with a Keep Calm, Geek Out, and See Yall again REAL Soon!
(TEST) COTG Issue 3: Scarlet Ant-Man! Or: Is it a Ruddy choice?
This podcast contains SPOILERS and FOUL LANGUAGE, if you have not read the books I discuss in this podcast, please come back later!
In this issue: I talk about the Ant-Man actor and film, and the "ending" of Scarlet Spider
(TEST) TTMN #14: Special Commentary Track: It's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie (REPOST)
Dale fired up the stream on Boxing Day (December 26th) for a very special post Christmas present, a commentary track for one of his favorite Christmas movies of all time...It's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie!
TTMN #14: Special Commentary Track: It's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie
(TEST) TTMN #14: Special Commentary Track: It's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie
Dale fired up the stream on Boxing Day (December 26th) for a very special post Christmas present, a commentary track for one of his favorite Christmas movies of all time...It's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie!
TTMN #14: Special Commentary Track: It's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie(TEST) Terrible Tuesday Movie Night : Episode 13 : Jingle All the Way
On this special Christmas episode of Terrible Tuesday Movie Night, Dale analyses Arnold Schwarzeneggers Jingle All the Way from 1996 .
A father decides to dream the impossible; to get a Turbo Man action figure for his son just before Christmas.
Arnold Schwarzenegger - Howard Langston
Sinbad - Myron Larabee
Phil Hartman - Ted Maltin
Rita Wilson - Liz Langton
Robert Conrad - Officer Hummell
Wrap up:
A member of the Geek I/O and Chefwonder Podcast networks
No email
Next Movie: New Years Eve
Thanks + Outro!
(TEST) Downunder Colorado 41 - The Date Hunter
Hey guys, Nothing special this week! Join Dale and Zay wish you a merry Christmas and complain about how sick and tired they are. ENJOY!
(TEST) The Geek I/O Show: Episode 43 - An envelope full of turkey
This week on The Geek I/O Show, we were joined by Dill from The Instance and The Angry Chicken podcasts. The geek was piled so high, you'll have to see (or hear) it to believe it!
We discussed World of Warcraft, just how good is CJ at Hearthstone, it's warm in Budlong's closet, how the bitch stole Christmas (and was thwarted by a Christmas miracle), painting a house a home, Android watches Dale sleep, another koala in the pool pump, the horrors of assembling a big floating cake, is Futurama Dale's past, people are still playing Final Fantasy XI (including CJ), baseball ads in Australia, and special meat in the cube next to yours. Plus! Andy "Ghomus" Young from the AIE podcast joins us as we remember the best and worst of the year 2013!
Join us on Geek I/O, won't you? We'll show you Alabama's dangling parts.
lease take a brief moment to participate in an anonymous survey to help us know who is listening. It not only helps us know you better, but allows you to give us direct feedback about what you like and don't like about the shows on our network. Also it will help us attract sponsors if enough listeners like you participate. Thanks!

Full Survey

Short Survey
You can send us an email to [email protected], subscribe on iTunes (or via RSS), or find us on Stitcher (use the code geekio and help us out a bit).
Geek IO is brought to you by Tweaked Audio! 7 colors, 7 types, ultra durable AND sound AMAZING! Both with and without microphones as well, so you can sound awesome on your iPhone, Galaxy S4, Nexus 5 or pretty much ANYTHING else! Use the code "GEEK" at checkout to get 30% off AND free shipping!
If you want to help support the show (e.g. - help us get new equipment, pay website costs, help us go see new release movies to review, etc...) consider donating to the show: www.geek-io.com/tipjar
We also want to let you know about our newest sponsor: ProXPN! Keep your internet activity private and anonymous. With free and premium accounts to take care of your every browsing need. Premium accounts start at $6.25/month, giving you access to their security and privacy options not only on your computer, but on your android or iOS devices.Go check them out and don't forget to use our coupon code "Geek20" for 20% off your purchase!
(TEST) Downunder Colorado 40 - Never Twerk Your Way To The Top
Show Notes:
Coming up - Dale is alone again, Google messes with hangouts once more, Deja Vu got robbed and everyone is okay, we almost had had gay marriage downunder, rapid fire news and more on this episode of Downunder Colorado!
Segment sponsored by: ProXPN:(www.proxpn.com - offer code GEEK20)
ProXPN is a uber-secure VPN that believes you should be able to use the internet how you want to! By encrypting all traffic that goes through it, it keeps all of your data private, your IP is completely hidden, so your location is secure, keeps you safe from stupid cable six strike rules, and more! Also, if say you live in Australia and really want to access and pay for Netflix in the US, ProXPN can mask your identity to make you appear wherever in the world you want to! Keep your traffic safe, go to proxpn.com and use GEEK20 for 20 percent off the already REALLY low price (Starting at 6.25 a month)! Thank you ProXPN for your new support of Downunder Colorado!
Springs-area gentlemen's club robbed
No gay marriage for Australia after all!
Other Links:
Segment sponsored by:Tweeked Audio: ( www.tweakedaudio.com - offer code geek)
Tweaked Audio
(this is just added info - not part of the ad read)
- 7 styles (Tweaked, PB, California, Parkour, Parkour Too, Classic, Natural)
- 7 colors (red, blue, green, yellow, pink, black, silver, wood (not a color))
(ad read begins below)
Tweaked audio makes a wide range of headphones and headsets designed to fit every need. They come in 7 styles and colors, with both micd and non-micd versions available. Tweaked Audio designs all of its products to make both music and talk sound great, and include a noise-reducing design to ensure you can listen to what you want to, WHEN you want to. All products are designed for durability and are compatible with iPhones, iPods, Android devices, MP3 players, and most devices with a headphone jack. For 1/3 off your order plus free shipping, go to www.tweakedaudio.com and use the offer code geek. Downunder Colorado thanks Tweaked Audio for their support.
Podcasts/Games/Things we are doing/Listening to:
Dale: Work, Chefwonder Projects, Family stuff, Christmas retail nightmare, Futurama season 10
Where you can find the show:
If you have any questions, topics, feedback, complaints, or anything at all, send your emails to [email protected] or comment to our Twitter at twitter.com/DuCoShow.
All of our episodes (complete with FULL shownotes) are over at chefwondermedia.com/ducoshow where you can subscribe to the podcast. You will be notified automatically when a new show comes out.
As always, you can give us a call at (719) 445-6696 (US only), +617 310 325 28 (Aussies only) or skype dale at chefwonder if you anything cool to add!
Downunder Colorado are members of the Geek IO and Chefwonder Podcast networks. Geek IO can be found over at geek-io.com/chefwonder and Chefwonder can be found chefwondermedia.com
Were now on iTunes! Be sure to subscribe and if you like the show (or not), please leave a review and we will read it on the show!
Also, You can find all of the Chefwonder Media programing over on YouTube at youtube.com/chefwonderdc. We record live Tuesdays where you can ask us live question either via G+ or IRC.
Where you can find us:
Dale: twitter.com/TheDaleCampbell
Doug: twitter.com/Revenar_AIE http://jadedhunter.com
Zay: twitter.com/inkedzay
(TEST) Walt Disney World's 2014 Star Wars Weekends schedule
Gather your favorite droids, nerf herders, walking carpets and scoundrels and make plans to attend Star Wars Weekends 2014. Were pleased today to announce the dates for next years Force-filled special event.
Star Wars Weekends will be held every weekend (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) from May 16-June 8, 2014.
- Weekend I: May 16 18, 2014
- Weekend II: May 23 25, 2014
- Weekend III: May 30 June 1, 2014
- Weekend IV: June 6 8, 2014

Star Wars Weekends combines the power of the Force and the magic of Disney into a galactic special event that has become a fan favorite through the years. Star Wars Weekends features the largest collection of official Star Wars characters found at any theme park in the world, star conversations with Star Wars celebrities, a Death Star-sized motorcade through the park and plenty of entertainment fun for guests of all ages.
(TEST) The Geek I/O Show: Episode 42 - Budlongs trapped in the closet
This week on The Geek I/O Show, we were joined by our own Raul Garza and Dale Campbell. The geek was brought, and no one was left standing. It was 10 kinds of awkward.
We discussed winter wiener penis, passing exams and acing classes, what is Budlong doing in the closet, the "final" season on Futurama, Christmas movies, Comics on the Go, playing games that didn't come out this year, pandas mounting pandas, everybody loves Keurig, Elder Scrolls Online gets a release date, dildos delivered by drone, cell phones may be coming to a plane near you, shoes that repair themselves, the NSA inserts themselves into Second Life and World of Warcraft, more apps come to the Chromecast, and the coldest temperature in the world! Plus! 3-D printed pizza!
Join us on Geek I/O, won't you? We promise Dale's sack won't offend you.
Please take a brief moment to participate in an anonymous survey to help us know who is listening. It not only helps us know you better, but allows you to give us direct feedback about what you like and don't like about the shows on our network. Also it will help us attract sponsors if enough listeners like you participate. Thanks!

Full Survey

Short Survey
You can send us an email to [email protected], subscribe on iTunes (or via RSS), or find us on Stitcher (use the code geekio and help us out a bit).
Geek IO is brought to you by Tweaked Audio! 7 colors, 7 types, ultra durable AND sound AMAZING! Both with and without microphones as well, so you can sound awesome on your iPhone, Galaxy S4, Nexus 5 or pretty much ANYTHING else! Use the code "GEEK" at checkout to get 30% off AND free shipping!
If you want to help support the show (e.g. - help us get new equipment, pay website costs, help us go see new release movies to review, etc...) consider donating to the show: www.geek-io.com/tipjar
We also want to let you know about our newest sponsor: ProXPN! Keep your internet activity private and anonymous. With free and premium accounts to take care of your every browsing need. Premium accounts start at $6.25/month, giving you access to their security and privacy options not only on your computer, but on your android or iOS devices.Go check them out and don't forget to use our coupon code "Geek20" for 20% off your purchase!
(TEST) How It Stacks #16: Classic Doctor Who (1963-89)
The guys are stacking classic Doctor Who. That's right we go all the way back to the first doctor to see if one of the longest running shows ever stacks up to the test of wibbly-wobbly timey-whimey, stuff. It's an epic show as the guys discuss 50 years of The Doctor. JD admits on-air that he was a d-bag for not watching it sooner. Bulldog gets a chance to steal the spotlight on this one and bring the "who" knowledge. Willis makes an epic comparison that you'll have to hear. JD hosts this episodes trivia wars and announces that Frank Turner is totally cool with the guys using his music on the show, so needless to say...
This episode is going to be crazy.

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Special thanks to Anamanaguchi and Frank Turner for our music and to The Geek I/O Podcast Network for hosting our show!
Geek I/O is currently taking a survey of all their listeners. Please click the banner in the show post via the website (www.geek-io.com/howitstacks) or the link/picture below. This is a brief survey to help us get to know you and what you like about our shows!