Spider-Man to enrole in the MCU
A fractured multiverse is nothing new to Comic Book fans, but since they’re under the same management there was always room for them to overlap. Just take a look at the recent inter-dimensional jaunts of Spider-Man and Deadpool for an example of that. But when it comes to live action adaptations the separation is maintained by a force even more insurmountable; legal rights. And not even Superboy could punch those universes back together.
Or so it seemed.
Today Marvel have announced that fan-favourite Spider-Man would be welcomed into the Cinematic Universe. What this actually means is remarkably uncertain. Spider-Man will appear in an MCU film after which Sony will release their own film in 2017. Speculation places a blue and red spandex guest appearance in Captain America 3: Civil War, partially because of Spider-Man’s role in the Civil War comic book event, but mostly because the other MCU movies on the imminent horizon have either wrapped up filming or are set in space.
In other news, while the 2017 Spider-Man movie will be funded by Sony, Marvel has also announced changes to their release schedule in light of this announcement. Thor: Ragnarok will still strike cinemas in 2017 (November 3rd) but Black Panther and Captain Marvel are now set for 2018 and Inhumans will début in 2019.