Short Summary
We've been at this for about two years now, and we're looking for a major overhaul of how we do things here. With this campaign we can:
- Upgrade hardware (Mics, cameras, ACTION!)
- Add new shows (we're at 10, and adding another one soon, and this can help us pay our folks for a little more work)
- Cover some cons! (Our coverage for Pensacon was AWESOME, and we'd love to do more, we're doing Dragon*con this year, but with your help we can get out and do more!)
- Give back to the community: the more we raise, the more we can do for you!
What We Need & What You Get
Well, the bottom line is, we're looking for some assistance with the growing pains that goes with getting bigger and better. The $1,000 we're asking for is a great start, and can move us into a higher tier. What you get is MORE! More everything! More Geek coverage of all of the things you want! You want Blizzcon? We can do it! Want PAX? We can do it! Want a show about Doctor Who? WE CAN DO IT! With your help, everything's possible!
The Impact
It will give a HUGE impact! Everything that we get from this goes directly back to you! We can increase the ways that we communicate with you guys, and give you what you want!
Other Ways You Can Help
Hey, let's face it, we understand not everyone can help with money, but you can help by share the site - see an article or hear a podcast you particularly enjoyed? Feel free to share the links to it, or even this project!